Author: mnm
Royal Thai Consulate in Medan Collaborates with Schools for Book Cover Design Event to Promote Art
JYUnity Chronicles
Request for Dr. Martono to Serve as Chair of the Webinar on Resolving Political and Constitutional Conflicts in Indonesia Based on Pancasila Values (Penyelesaian Dinamika Konflik Politik Ketatanegaraan di Indonesia Berdasarkan Nilai Pancasila)
konsulat Thailand – Kadin Sumut – Rudenim Medan Gelar Kompetisi di Rutan Kelas IIA Medan
Mahasiswa Punya Andil Kembangkan Koperasi
Martono Anggusti: Hidup Ini Adalah Kesempatan
Pesan ini diutarakan Dr. Ir. Martono Anggusti, SH.MM.M.Hum buat generasi muda Teochew di pelosok dunia.“Selagi kita hidup, selalu berbagilah ilmu dan pengetahuan serta pengalaman hidupView More
Franchising from a customer privacy perspective
Debora Debora, Martono Anggusti, Adira Sitanggang Abstract In the implementation of a franchise agreement, a breach of promise may be committed by either the franchiseeView More
Sinergitas stakeholder melindungi dan mengelola DAS
“Tawee” is ready to fly to pick up “Sia Pang Nanode” in Indonesia, explaining that details are being examined.
Indonesian legal procedures emphasize that if someone is brought back to Thailand, additional charges must be filed. One working group may be set up andView More