Social & Charity

Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia Sumatera Utara (APINDOSU)


Part of, aim to create a conducive and competitive business climate.

Yayasan Tio Ciu Sumatera Utara


Aims to develop membership growth by good cooperation and coordination among stakeholders and to build a prosperous, compact, powerful, qualified, and harmony life for resident of Tio Ciu in North Sumatra.

Koperasi MM USU


Union formed amongts Management Degree School students in Univerity of North Sumatera

Koperasi Fakultas Hukum Bisnis UHN


Union formed amongts Law Degree School students in Nomensen HKBP University in North Sumatera

Kamar Dagang dan Industri Sumatera Utara (KADIN SUMUT)


Aims to realise a healthy and dynamic business climate to encourage the equal distribution of business opportunities to the Indonesian business world in participating in carrying out national and regional development in the economic field.

Lionsclubs D-307A2 dan Lions Club Medan Deli

Social/ Charity Club

The main focus of devotion conducted by Lions Clubs Indonesia District 307-A2 is in cataract eye surgery, which aims to prevent blindness due to cataracts. In addition, there are still many service activities that we do including scholarship assistance, natural disaster relief, food assistance, mass treatment, the Leo Clubs program, health education and diabetes, blood donation, environmental preservation, and others.

Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Utomo Abdi Nusa

Private School

A school in Medan town educating students from Playgroup to Senior High School (Playgroup – TK – SD – SMP – SMA)

Yayasan Pendidikan Mahkota Tricom

Private School

Located at Brigjen Katamso-2 (Marelan)

NTU Academy Campus

University, Workshop and Professional Trainings

NTU Academy provides a professional and high-qualified education, certification, and training that focus on management and law also the business content. It has motto: Link, Match, & Applicable through Education, Vocational, & Application.

Himpunan Ahli Struktur Tahan Angin dan Gempa (HASTAG)


Professionals in the field of Planning, Implementation and Supervision of wind and earthquake resistant structures.

Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (HAKI)


The Association of Indonesian Construction Experts (IPR) is a national organization that brings together construction experts in Indonesia. The Association of Indonesian Construction Experts (IPR) was established on October 2, 1971 by 36 Engineers in the field of engineering. Intellectual Property Rights also actively participates in various international level Construction Services communities such as being a member of the ACF (Asian Concrete Federation) and ACECC (Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council).

Kota Medan Kota Buah

Environmental Project

An initiative in making the city of Medan a fruit city which is directly addressed by a team of volunteers that have the same vision – that will gather more communities to work together to make it happen; starting from the first location in Moginsidi square with 42 tree participants, and the second project at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan.

Yayasan Budaya Hijau Indonesia

Non-profit Organisation

INDONESIA Green Culture Foundation is a non-profit organisation that is engaged to invite everyone who supports the environment through the establishment of an Environmental Ambassador anywhere to breed, plant, care for and care for trees. Natural growth does not need Humans but Human growth is needed for Nature.

Ikatan Alumni Prodi Doktor Ilmu Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara (IKA USU)

Non-profit Organisation

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